Wednesday, February 25, 2009


n. The seventh Wednesday before Easter and the first day of Lent, on which many Christians receive a mark of ashes on the forehead as a token of penitence and mortality.

(in the Christian religion) an annual season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter, beginning on Ash Wednesday and lasting 40 weekdays to Easter, observed by Roman Catholic, Anglican, and certain other churches.

Lent, in some Christian Denominations, is the 40 day long liturgical season of fasting & prayer before Easter. The 40 days represent the time Jesus spent in the desert, where according to the Bible He endured temptation by Satan. (According to Wikipedia)

I have never joined into this tradition because I assumed it was only observed by Catholics; however, I work at a large association & have met many believers of Christ & have discovered that more & more people of different denominations are joining in. So, I have decided to do it as well this year.

I thought really hard about what I can give up. I do not drink cokes very often, so that is out. Then I was going to give up my internet, but I guess I am not enough like God & can honestly say I know I would cheat. Originally I was going to give up biting my nails, but a friend informed me it has to be something I enjoy. Well, I do enjoy biting my nails, or why would I do it, but I decided this is something I just need to quit doing PERIOD!

I cannot give up being funny, it is my best asset; maybe being crude, but then I would not be funny; then I thought, "What do I eat constantly?" Chocolate & sweets, not unless the girls have one of these do I eat it; fast food, unless I give up a particular place I could not do this one because I know during these 40 days I am going to have to eat out at least once.

So, I am giving up chips. I eat chips 24-7. No lie! If there is an avocado in my fridge or a bottle of Tascosa Hot Sauce, I am eating some chips. Wish me luck!

Once I get good at this, I will be able to give up something that is a little more important. I am also adding more prayer time in, since that is what Jesus did during His 40 days.

Also, I am planning on trying a new church this Sunday & I think JD is ready to put his toe into the water again & go w/us girls. A girl he works w/invited us to her church, New Life International. Actually we were going to go this past weekend, but we got up late. Right now I just ask that everyone pray for us to make up our minds to attend & that JD does go. We love God & want to serve Him, just right now JD has his issues & I feel like we should attend as a family, so neither of us really have been motivated to go. I am ready to get back into it.

So, for now wish me luck on my adventure of Lenthood, I will keep you all posted.


Conscientious Observer said...

I say good for you. I will pray for you, but I hope that Tostitos does not go bankrupt because of your holiness. I am excited to hear about church, I do hope your whole family will make it. Let us know how it goes.

Love you,


Mel said...

YEAH! Good for you Jen! Lent is hard. I grew up practicing Lent as a Catholic and the sacrifice is worth it when its over. You develop a connection with God that you didn't have before. I wish you luck my sweet sister. I love you!!

amarillo_bo said...

i guess i should have read on before posting the last comment. either way, i hope you find the strength in God to help you through your chip ordeal. i hope everyone makes it to church. my hope is that you would go to church and take those girls even if d.j. doesn't want to go. i think he'd follow suit. we're praying that God works wonders in your lives.

love always,
