Saturday, October 19, 2013

We Just Went Home

I was just thinking 6 years ago, on this exact day, at this exact time, we were leaving the hospital with just a yellow memory box with the small mementos of ever having a baby, a vase of flowers, and my clothes.

We went home with no baby cradled in our arms. 

We went home with our hearts gaping. 

We went home with the what ifs.

We went home with the whys.

We went home to the cold realization that we would never see or know this baby.

We just went home.

To cry.

To cling to one another.

To sleep.

To an empty crib.

Six years have come and gone and I believe we are in a better place. Our arms are still a little bit empty, our hearts still gaping, the what ifs still linger, the whys are in the back of our minds, the reality has become real, we still cry, we still cling to one another, we are able to sleep and the crib has been put away.

We are filled with the gladness that one day we will be reunited with our forever baby and we will hear of the fun he had with Jesus. 


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