Thursday, October 07, 2010


We are entering our third year of having an angel baby. It has gotten easier to bear, but our hearts still ache for our little baby boy. Not too many people ask me questions anymore & sometimes I feel like people have forgotten or think because we are expecting & because this baby is a boy, that we have forgotten or just gotten over Nehemiah. Not by a long shot!

This month is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month. So on October 15th we plan to go to Medi Park for the 4th annual Candle Light Vigil @ 7pm.
I have not planned anything for his birthday yet. Last year we gave out Forget Me Not seed packets with a picture of his hands & a poem & the four of us released balloons.

I ask that each one of you light a candle on the 15th for all the angels. Let it burn for one hour for a continuous wave of light.

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