When I was 16 years old I had started going back to church with my uncle and his family.
I was read my bible and notes daily. I remember one day when I read the book of Nehemiah.
At that moment I decided I really loved the name. The name belonged to strong, hardworking man of the bible. From that day on I knew that name was going to be the name of my first born son.
Fast forward two years later, I am pregnant with my first child. I had already told JD that I had a boy name picked out if it so happened we would have a boy. Well, God blessed us with a beautiful little girl instead.
Now fast forward 12 more years, I am pregnant with my third child. I had a feeling in my heart that it was to be a boy and reminded JD of the name I had picked out. Not knowing that pregnancy was not going to end well.
A few days after delivering my stillborn baby boy, Nehemiah, I was reading my bible. I went to the book of Nehemiah again and was skimming through when I noticed the verse that in chapter 8 verse 10 that reads:
"Then he said to them, “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
The Hebrew meaning of Nehemiah is: "Comforted by Yahweh"
This afternoon I was looking through the add for the LifeWay Christian Store and in the add is a book called "The Living Room Series NEHEMIAH a heart that can break" by Kelly Minter. This is how the description of the book read:
"Nehemiah is a call to let God break your heart for a hurting lost world and move you to lead people to Christ. Nehemiah the man was so broken-hearted for those in need that he gave up the comforts of his Persian palace to meet their needs. This Bible study features video sessions, solid teaching of the Bible, music selections, and a relational approach you'll love."
It amazes me how many things we have read, seen, heard and spoken in our lifetime that we never really paid attention to. I feel like I made the right choice in selecting Nehemiah's name. That it was meant to be for me to be broken-hearted so that I may be able to get closer to God. That this little baby I was never meant to hold here on earth, would build me up to be a better person. Wow!
I love you my precious baby. Sleep tight in Jesus' loving arms.