Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Baby Update

We had our 1st trimester screening yesterday. I was super nervous the whole time we were there & they were feeding us so much information at one time & then wanted me to make the decision to what testing I would prefer. Ugh! Nerve racking!

I could not sleep the night before because I kept dreaming that this doctor was going to be a quack & in my dream she told us to terminate & then would not let us leave her office. It was so crazy!

We ended up choosing the safest & easiest testing.
It is a noninvasive evaluation that combines a maternal blood screening test with an ultrasound evaluation of the fetus to identify risk for specific chromosomal abnormalities, including Down’s Syndrome Trisomy-21 & Trisomy-18. In addition to screening for these abnormalities, a portion of the test (known as the nuchal translucency) can assist in identifying other significant fetal abnormalities, such as cardiac disorders. The screening test does not detect neural tube defects. The nuchal translucency test is where they measure the fluid between the spine & the skin on the back of the neck.

I will have to go back in four weeks to have my second blood draw performed.

This little baby is very active. Kind of brought back memories of seeing Nehemiah on the screen moving around. I had a lot of emotions going on. I have not really thought anything negative about this pregnancy & have been feeling really good, but when we got there yesterday & they were feeding us all this information I really started to think about whether I really wanted to go through with it. What if they found something? What would we decide to do? What if we made the wrong choice if we had to make a choice? I know I have to give this pregnancy over to God & let Him be in control. I know in my heart everything will work out for the best.

To end on that note:
We did want to share our little beaner with you as well. It really is still rather early, but I feel like I have to share this & I feel really confident this pregnancy will end on a very good note.

JD says this baby has a "KK" head. If anyone knows my family, a few of our children have rather large heads. I like to think that means they are just special..

Thursday, June 17, 2010

More to Expect...

We found out today that we go to our 1st Trimester Screening on June 28th. Really nervous about having to answer questions & being poked & prodded. I read on the Texas Tech website about this screening & it seems like a lot. Makes my heartbeat a little faster & I start feeling a little nauseous, or that could just be the pregnancy. But I know it will be worth it if it helps us to have a healthy baby in the end.

JD says he is nervous about us having another baby & I really feel good about it. I just have a really good feeling about this one.
I am not saying I am not nervous at all or that I won't be nervous if I feel something out of the ordinary or perhaps as we approach the 20 week mark. With Nehemiah I had nightmares & bad feelings the entire time, like something was trying to prepare me for what was to come. It is hard to explain if you have never experienced anything like that before. It was like a premonition of sorts. I am not trying to say I am psychic or anything like that, but they do say that people know sometimes.

Makaila has been saying some really funny things. Being pregnant makes a person a little gassier & well, the other day I had to let out a little & she asked, "Mom, was that the baby?" She asked me today, "Will the baby be here next Monday?" When we tried explaining the baby will be here in January she wanted to know if that means the baby will be older than her (her birthday is in March). I am anxious to hear all the other questions she will ask as time goes on. I had read a blog when I was pregnant with her about a woman who was pregnant &
had a 3 year old little boy. He would always say he wished he could climb inside to keep his baby sister company until she came out. I always got a kick out of what he had to say.

For now though, I just continue to pray for my marriage & for my children (born & unborn). For I know everything that happens is God's Will.

"You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in Your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." Psalm 139:16

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What to Expect When You're Not Expecting...

Well, a few months ago I was not sure where anything in my life was headed. I was praying every night for God's Will to come & make me a stronger woman.

My husband & I physically separated for almost 5 months, I was getting on with my life. Then, we decided to see where things would go. Finally, we decided to either "poop or get off the pot", make it work or end it!

It has only been about a month, but things are pretty good. He is willing to do whatever it takes to repair the damage he has caused, he is doing good so far. We are both frustrated he has not gotten a job.

However, not that we were expecting it to happen, actually not even trying, we have found out that we are pregnant. Mind you, we are scared out of our minds. We just got back together, we are still trying to get through the loss of our son & now we are expecting. There are so many emotions going on inside right now. I just want to share this special moment & ask that each one of you pray with us & for our little bean. To be expecting again after a stillbirth is quite scary in its self.

I got the same tech who had to deliver our bad news for us last time. She is wonderful! She had asked me if I had wanted another tech to do our sonogram. She talked to us about being nervous, took loads of pix & before we walked out of the room she had me get back up on the table for one more thing...to see if we could hear the heartbeat & guess what?!?!

While she did the regular sonogram we could see our little bean moving around & a good strong heartbeat & the yolk, which helps provide for the baby for now.

We have our next appointment in July 14th. We are going to have an appointment with a fetal specialist with Texas Tech. They do testing that is performed during the 1st trimester to see if they can detect early problems. My awesome nurse will be calling me with that appointment time in a few weeks.

I am 9 weeks today & the projected due date is January 18, 2011, but since I will have to have a scheduled C-section, we are going to see if it is possible to have our little bean January 11, 2011. I know that is a ways off, but maybe it will give us some hope to put a date to see our darling.

"This is the day that God has made, rejoice & be joyful in it!" Psalm 118:24